Gramin Upkar Sansthan

Best Way To Make A Difference In The Lives Of Others

Gramin Upkar Sansthan is a non-profit organization based in Jharkhand, India. We are dedicated to serving the community and making a positive impact in the lives on those in need. join us in our mission to bring about meaningful change and support our cause today.

Become A Volunteer

We pays special attention to reducing marginalisation in its partner countries and to documenting

Our events & programs

We now runs a number of programmes in Africa to address a broad range of issues


मिलते जोहाइर कहलि
पाछे बात पुछली
करम डारी संग नाचली
मिलते जोहाइर कहली

वृक्षेक पानी ढालली
कक्षा भीतरे लिखली
फेअर टाना से मिलली
मिलते जोहाइर कहलि

असुर संग गावली
सुर असुर बनली
सुरक में सुर मिलाली
मिलते जोहाइर कहली

युग योग करली
डायन प्रेत कर सोच भगाली
सोइच के बिल s बदलली
मिलते जोहाइर कहली


Our Causes

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People That Needs Healthy Food

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

People That Needs Healthy Food

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


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